When marketing within the home health space, both direct-to-consumer marketing and referral marketing play an important role. However, trying to focus on both might feel like quite a chore if your organization’s marketing resources are limited. The good news is there is way you can find the sweet spot in consumer vs referral marketing—and it has a lot to do with the digital tools within your reach.
The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 changed everything for hospital strategic planning. Organizations which previously counted on being jacks-of-all-trades for their communities were suddenly faced with the urgent need to shift from offering generalized to specialized patient care services. In such an environment, it’s essential that hospitals find a way to effectively market their critical service lines, and the five keys covered here can help you do that.
Big data in its various forms is a key ingredient to success in today’s business world—which is why using data effectively is essential to optimizing marketing efforts. With the plethora of digital applications in use today, gathering and analyzing data to inform marketing strategies and improve ROI has become an essential approach that can benefit physician practices of any size—including yours. The following key principles will help you do it.
When marketing to seniors and their families, outreach is a key component of engaging with those who can benefit from your services. However, in the digital world in which we live, this dynamic looks much different than it did in the past—since the use of data helps inform your efforts. By integrating the following three key principles into your outreach efforts, you can make your marketing more effective.
Although marketing a private practice is essential to meet patient needs and support the bottom line, doing so effectively can consume precious time and resources. That’s why it’s important to embrace an approach that will help your organization optimize the return on investment (ROI) for your marketing efforts. Fortunately, there are specific steps you can take to do that—which are included in the following seven tips.